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Know more about Piles/Bawaseer

Veins in the lowest portion of the rectum and anus that are inflamed are called haemorrhoids. These blood vessels' walls can occasionally become so thin that they irritate and cause veins to bulge, especially when one urinates. Another name for haemorrhoids is piles.

One of the most typical causes of rectal bleeding is haemorrhoids. They frequently depart on their own. Piles treatment could be effective if received and followed on the right time.

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What causes kidney diseases

What causes Piles?

Blood flow can be impacted by decreasing rectum pressure, which can also cause the veins there to enlarge. Pushing during bowel movements may cause it. Issues like obesity, performing physically demanding activities, such as carrying heavy objects, or eating a diet low in fibre can lead to the development of piles in the body.

In case, someone has a family history of the same or someone else has it, it can increase the chances of developing it. A piles specialist would carefully examine your situation and tell you about the right forms of treatment.

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How are Haemorrhoids categorised?

Here are major categories of Haemorrhoids:

Internal haemorrhoids

Internal haemorrhoids are typically too deep inside the rectum for anyone to see or feel them. They typically don't hurt since there aren't many pain-sensing receptors there.

External haemorrhoids

The anus has a lot more pain-sensing nerves under the skin, which is where the external haemorrhoids are.

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How are Haemorrhoids categorised

Signs and Symptoms of Piles

Depending on the type of haemorrhoids, the symptoms may be varied.

Internal Haemorrhoids

Internal Haemorrhoids

There could be a tissue that protrudes from the anal orifice (prolapse). It could hurt, especially if one excretes. The prolapsed haemorrhoids may appear as pinker-colored, wet lumps than the surrounding skin. Usually, they return inside on their own. Even so, they are frequently able to be gently pulled back into position.

An individual when dealing with internal haemorrhoids can experience blood while excreting, observed blood while wiping on the tissue, or on the toilet seats.

It is advised not to ignore these symptoms and look for piles treatment near your area.

External Haemorrhoids

External Haemorrhoids

In the case of external haemorrhoids, the patient can experience symptoms like bleeding, pain, swelling, and itching issues.

Thrombosed Haemorrhoids

Thrombosed Haemorrhoids

An external haemorrhage might turn purple or blue due to a blood clot. This is what one would term as thrombosis or thrombosed hemorrhoid is. The symptoms that one could experience in this case include itching, bleeding, and severe pain.

Why should the issue not be ignored?

A consultation with a piles doctor becomes important while dealing with such health issues. When the issue is not given enough attention, it can lead to severe consequences that could prove lethal.

Strangulated Haemorrhoids
Strangulated Haemorrhoids

An internal hemorrhoid may become strangulated, which can be extremely painful, if its blood supply is cut off.


Rarely, haemorrhoids can lead to anaemia, which is a condition in which the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen to the cells.

Blood Clots
Blood Clots

A clot may occasionally develop in a hemorrhoid (thrombosed hemorrhoid). It is not harmful, although it can be very uncomfortable and occasionally needs to be lanced and drained.

When Should You Visit A Doctor?

Diagnosis of Haemorrhoids

Diagnosis of Haemorrhoids
Digital rectal examination
Digital rectal examination

To evaluate muscle tone and feel for discomfort, lumps, or other issues, the doctor may put on gloves, lubricate, and push a finger into the rectum.

Health checkup
Health checkup

To check for lumps, swelling, discomfort, or other issues, the doctor will examine the anus and rectum.


Using a flexible, illuminated tube known as a sigmoidoscope, the doctor examines the lower colon. They can also take a small amount of tissue for testing using the tube.


With the help of a colonoscopy, a lengthy, flexible tube, the doctor examines the entire large intestine. Additionally, they can cure any issues they uncover or take tissue samples.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles

The notion that there are three doshas, or bodily types: pitta, vata, and kapha, is a foundational principle of Ayurvedic treatment. Each of the three doshas-fire (pitta), air (vata), and water (kapha) relates to a particular element, and a person with one dominant dosha will exhibit physical or emotional traits congruent with that element.

The balancing of each dosha is the ultimate objective of Ayurveda. This is accomplished by combining dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and herbal therapies. The piles treatment in Ayurveda involves non-invasive and side-effects free procedures to the patients.

Low Vata and Pitta levels are typically the cause of the disease as per the Ayurvedic beliefs. The majority of Ayurvedic treatments for piles aim to balance out Dosha and make sure that Agni, the body's digestive fire, is improved and functioning properly.

Speaking of the several digestive processes, Vata Dosha controls how the body moves. As a result, the body's vata balance dictates whether a bowel movement is healthy. Vata is a dry Dosha, therefore when it is aggravated, the dryness of the intestinal contents might rise, impairing movement and resulting in constipation.

When worsened, this hard constipation can result in uncomfortable black haemorrhoids. When excessive, the hot Pitta Dosha can lead to diarrhoea, excessive thirst, and irritated, bleeding haemorrhoids.

Similar to Pitta Dosha, Kapha Dosha is heavy and cold, and when it is aggravated, it can cause large, light-colored haemorrhoids.

Kshara Sutra therapy (Medicated Caustic Thread)

Kshara Sutra therapy

A Minimal Invasive Parasurgical Procedure for Anorectal Diseases.

Acharaya Sushruta has mentioned the therapy of Kshar Sutra in his Samhita. Kshara Sutra treatment is a minimally invasive Ayurvedic Parasurgical procedure. It has been used for many years for the management of Anorectal Diseases. It is a safe, specific, and cost-effective method of treating fistula- in-ano, haemorrhoids, and other sinus disorders.

This approach is now commonly used in our country and some other countries. The efficacy of Kshar-Sutra is now re-established and approved by various scientific institutions such as CCRAS and ICMR.

For the procedure, the patient is sedated with local, spinal, or general anaesthesia. A malleable probe is passed through the external opening of the fistula to the internal opening in the anal canal. The probe is then gently pulled out through the anal opening to the outside, along with a Kshara Sutra in the probe's groove.

Later, both the ends of the Kshara Sutra are tied together. After one week, the Kshara Sutra is replaced with a new one. The Kshara Sutra cuts and repairs the tract gradually. After being cut, the entire fistulous tract heals slowly. The benefits of Kshar-Sutra are:

  • No surgical complications like incontinence, stenosis and stricture.
  • Simple and safe para surgical procedure.
  • Cost-effective and ambulatory.
  • Minimal recurrence rate.
  • Systemic diseases are also undergoing this procedure.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Piles

The piles specialist doctor will make use of certain herbs, their extracts, and medicated oils to treat the issue.


Guggul is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory medicines in Ayurveda. Also known as Balsamodendron Mukul, it is a herb that can quickly and effectively relieve piles. It aids in piles treatment and inflammation.

Guggul can aid in the metabolism of the bioactive etiologic elements of haemorrhoids because it is a laxative and an astringent. This enhances digestive health and aids in the removal of toxins (Ama).



One can get long-lasting relief from piles by taking triphala.

Amalaki, Bhibhitaki, and Haritaki combine to make the nutritious triphala. Triphala's chemical make-up makes it an ideal component for relieving constipation. There is substantially less likelihood of straining and piles when the evacuation is easy.


Touch-me-not plants or herbs

The herb touch-me-not has long been recognised for its ability to treat bleeding piles. It has been recommended for piles by Ayurvedic practitioners and Vaidyas for ages. Applying a paste made from touch-me-not leaves externally to the affected area will yield the best results. The plant also has an alkaloid called mimosine, which can reduce inflammation and help with pain management.

plants or herbs


An antibacterial and anti-inflammatory plant called turmeric can stop the spread of secondary microbial infections and control hemorrhoidal haemorrhage. In addition, it may lessen itchiness in the anals.It has a variety of cosmetic, religious, and medical purposes because of its enormous health benefits, and controlling piles is one of them.

It maintains the body's natural pH balance, aids in the metabolism of vitamin D, and manages water levels. Additionally, it purifies the blood, inhibits kidney cyst development, and supports general renal functions.

The alkaline nature of turmeric and its potential for having an astringent impact, according to Ayurveda, may assist to reduce haemorrhoids. Turmeric also aids in better digestion and haemorrhoids prevention by enhancing the digestive fire (Agni).


Why Karma Ayurveda?

The Ayurvedic medications are intended to heal piles and fissures while also easing the symptoms. Karma Ayurveda is here to provide you with a one-stop solution to your piles problem. We firmly believe in the therapeutic effects that Ayurveda provides to the people and helps them to heal naturally.

Since ancient times, Karma Ayurveda has aided humanity and promises to offer natural medical care. The health issues can be treated effectively and affordably there.

Ayurvedic specialists for piles typically offer treatments that are safe, genuine, and devoid of chemicals in addition to services of the highest calibre. In spite of the fast-paced way of living, Ayurveda seeks to revitalise life.

Karma Ayurveda is a leading healthcare organisation that offers holistic approaches to treating diseases. Being the pioneers of Ayurveda, we provide specialised treatments to the people to promote their well being. We aim to resolve the issue by using principles of Ayurveda.

Our motto remains to cure major health ailments from its core and honour the patient's life at its best. We always try to implement the best of our treatment methods.

We believe in treating people with decency, appreciating their contributions, and cultivating a culture that allows each individual to reach their greatest potential.

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